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Frequently Asked Questions

We hope you'll find what you're looking for below - if not, please feel free to call 0117 954 7000 between the hours of 8.00am and 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. 

How will my print be delivered?

Small orders are despatched by Royal Mail and bulk orders are despatched using an overnight courier service which will arrive between the hours of 8.30am and 6.00pm. Please note that some addresses in the Scottish Isles and Highlands may incurr additional delivery charges relating to the weight of the items despatched.

What print machinery do you use?

We use very high specification digital (Konica Minolta KM8000) and litho (Heidelberg CD74) presses. Digital presses are used to print smaller quantities (usually under 500 units) and larger runs are produced on our Heidelberg litho presses with inline coating & IR driers. We pride ourselves on the quality of our print production and will happily provide samples of our work, on request. 

Can I change the stock of my order?

Of course – just email us at let us know which stocks your are interested in and we will reply as soon as possible with a written quotation. If you'd like advice or samples please call 01179 54 7000.

Do you print on environmentally friendly paper?

Yes, we offer FSC certified, part and fully recycled stocks. If you would like to select an environmentally friendly paper, just let us know and we will provide you with a quote. We are a fully FSC certified print company and we hold ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditations.

Whitehall Online is a owned and managed by the family-run commercial printers Whitehall Printing, that operate from a low-energy facility in Bristol. For more information on our environmentally-friendly practices please visit